Buch: Taking Stock of a Quarter Century of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Taking Stock of a Quarter Century of the Islamic Republic of Iran

By the President and Fellows of

Harvard College/Massachusetts, USA 2005

53 Pages,

ISBN 0-88086-056-1

Can be ordered via Amazon or directly from the author (see contact)

Table of Content


Text, by Wilfried Buchta

The "First Republic": The Khomeini Decade

The "Second Republic": The Era of Duumvirate of Rafsanjani/Khamenei

The "Third Republic": Khatami and the Process of Reform

Concluding Remarks


When the Islamic Revolution in Iran sent shock waves through the country and the entire Middle East region in 1978/79, and the revolutionary leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, established the Islamic Republic of Iran on the ruins of the overthrown Shah monarchy shortly afterwards, the whole world was looking on in shock. Few observers gave the revolutionary regime a chance to survive. Today, in 2020, and more than forty years after the victory over the Shah, the Islamic Republic still exists and thus defies all predictions for its demise by Iran’s critics and opponents, who had prophesied the regime’s collapse from the start. Would you like to learn more about the first quarter century of the regime and understand how it overcame all crises? Then you will find what you are looking for in this compact book, published by Harvard in the renowned publication series of the Islamic Legal Studies Program and written by Wilfried Buchta, one of the most internationally known Iran experts of our time.

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